Saturday 25 June 2011

Life's Boat

LIfeboatmen say that the most difficult part of a rescue is not always the horrendous perilous sea conditons, but the problem of trying to convince the fearful victims to jump from their stricken craft onto the safety of the lifeboat.

Life’s Boat

Once when my life did near submerge
They came to rescue me,
Called me to jump the crashing surge
To where I’d find safety.

At first I was afraid to make
That vault, so they did plead
“Your life comes from the leap you take!”
Thus I found truth in deed.

If problems since seem wide and deep
And can’t be solved by Man,
I think back to that wondrous leap
For now I know I can.

Stuart Larner

 (first published Gazette and Herald 2008, reprinted in 'Patterns of Hope' anthology and 'Scarborough Modern Sea Songs')

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